Poetics of Reading [DOWNLOAD]

There are two distinct texts on the page-like surfaces of this Poetics of Reading sampler: 'Misspelt Landings', a prose poem, and 'Poetic Caption', a poetic exposition of the readers' processes. Both texts are by John Cayley. There are three readers that move through these pages when the program is opened. Each of the readers has different 'knowledge' of the texts, and differing reading strategies. >>

Poetic Caption [DOWNLOAD]

This is a relatively simple readers framework inscribed with a self-reflexive poetic exposition by John Cayley. Two readers, a Perigram Reader and a Simple Spawning Reader are moving through the three page-like surfaces of the text, presented as 'openings'. >>


The text constituting the surface of Misspelt Landings is a prose poem by John Cayley. Three readers are released onto the surface of this text. One of these readers is a neighbor-showing Perigram Reader, one is a haloing Unconstrained Perigram Reader, and one is a jumping Mesostic Reader. >>